SHREKangelion Genesis

I was unwined in chair,
enjoying some quality anime that you base-born Gaijin properbly never
heard of such as Nadia when mai numbah one otaku friend sent me an
electronic mail. He saint mii link to a lost episode of Neon
Evangelion Genesis. That show was awesome (and if u think its ending
was bad you are obliviously have poor taste or are into dadime) I
throught so wen I herd that there was I order it right away. 11
minutes later, a hyper-realistic mail-carrier(No there NOT called
Mailmen cause that is sexyist) handed me a hyper-realistic DVD. The
DVD had “Shrekangelion Genesis” wroten in black maker. I inserted
disk into my VCR(thats what 90's kids used in case you ignoramesses
did not know) and tiltle screen came up.
I saw Shinji near Asuka.
Than Shrek popped in and throwed Asuka out of windoe. Shrek than said
to Shinji “Aye,Wait for me by door laddie” and than stormed of.
Shinji knew what must be done he tolded himself “Shrek is love.
Shrek is life.”
Shrek than came, than
arrived back and grab Shinji by the hips and wispered in his ear.
“Calm down! Iam just gonna Smack that, all on the floor. Smack
that, give me some more. Smack that, till you get sore.” After a
the tender love scene, Shrek went on a rampage killing everybody. He
use there i's in the martini drinks. The episode ended but it turned
out that there was other episode! It opened up with Shrek
single-handedly preventing the third impact(Lou kit up nub) and
banging every character in the show! It than fade to black wen
suddenly it happened.
The episode quickly turned
morbid when he screen begin to get all staticly and things. Several
massages appeared on the screen they read “Things were never the
same after that day” “Shrek become mentally unstable and spent
his remaining years in a swamp” “Asuka gave birth to three Shrek
babies, but soon after took an arrow to the knee” and finally “The
infants were sent to swamp to be presumably eaten by there fasjaa”.
Than it got quiet and showed “YORE NEX...” I was really getting
freaked out than it got all staticly again and ultra hyper-realistic
image Evil Patrixx appeared on the screen. The image of Patrixx
appeared to be getting bigger and bigger. It was at that moument that
I realized the is ultra hyper-realistic Patrixx was cumming out my
hyper-realistic HDTV!!!11!
Patrixx was laterally an
inch from my face, he was staring at me menacingly. Than the video
suddenly ended. I realized that Patrixx was simply showing me whose
the boss. But than the phone rang and I answered it. I don't need to
tell who was on the line.